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Amber the reason why niggas turn to white women


im saying lmao now i feel like they disrepecting on purpose

Big Daddy Dre

You think they disrespecting now....Wait until you meet the black guy with cornrows and a brother named tyrone 😂😂

Solivigant Kaiba

Look, I'm with Terrance on this one. About Amber, she's cool and all but when someone has a secret identity as a super hero and you've "known about it for weeks" and give him sh*t over situations he can't win, i.e being late or not showing up then you hear about a crisis downtown and you know he's probably there, then you're a piece of sh*t too. It's called gaslighting sweetheart, if not just emotional manipulation. He ain't marrying you so it's none of your business, and I get it. But.......anyway, I am excited for yall with the finale, it's gonna be lit. Sorry for my rant.

Eli Kisamo

I have been refreshing patreon every hour on the hour. Let's, fucking, go. I agree with Terrance. Amber is cool, and I thought their dynamic was dope when it was working. However, she is severely lacking in empathy in that situation. She's known for quite some time he's a super hero and is still giving him shit for being late knowing what he's doing? He's trying to save lives. Bruh, she knew he almost died and still held it against him. Like, wtf is wrong with you? They've only been dating for a few months. She's not entitled to knowing his secret just because he's with her. I bet she'd change her tune real quick if a villain tried to use her as leverage against Mark. I understand it feels bad being lied to, but you know why. She can't even be a little understanding about the situation? She feels stupid and unimportant because Mark priortizes being a super hero? That's fucking WILD. If Mark decides to fight his old man, I don't know what the fuck he's going to do. This man Cecil had all the fucking plays in the world and it barely did shit. Does Omni-man have a rage mode like Mark? I hope not. If this man has to fight Mark I feel like he's really going to snap. Or if Cecil maybe uses Debbie as leverage? Bruh. Earth is done for. I don't know. Omni-man hasn't even struck his wife. I think he geniunely cares about his family. Whatever his reason is, its probably sound and just in his own mind. It'll probably sound like some fuck shit to the rest of us. But, this show has surprised me before. This episode and reaction was 10/10.


i gotta question: wtf is omniman on? he wants debbie to trust him and he swears that mark will understand and tbh everything seem to hav started wit mark gettin his powers (matter fact he did say at this he think it be better if mark didnt get his powers) i dont think there was anything stated about superheros [teams] dying abruptly/suspiciously b4 the guardians. im starting to think it aint jus conquering the planet but it gotta be some viltrumite shit. if mark fights his dad theres no way i see mark making this man submit so im calling now we getting a peaceful ending... omniman destroys earth and takes mark to viltrum to meet his people or better yet mark destroys earth that will be his baptism into the viltrumite life 🤣🤣

Rudeus Greyrat

Omni man going rogue has to do with Mark getting powers because he went rogue start after Mark got his powers and he's been trying to get Mark to be like him lol


He could just be very delusional and genuinely think that whatever he's doing is right.


Aight, I don't wanna be THAT guy...... but I guess in this case it's not so bad to be... idk... but..... wtf is that little tab on the right side there? It was a little distracting at first, starting to get used to it a little over 4 mins in, but yeah. Just curious.


Lol all good. Amazon has this “view Picture in Picture mode” option and I didn’t notice while I was screen recording the episode in OBS until after I got back home from grabbing food. And I wasn’t about to re-screen record it because I had to do edits and I can’t do both at the same time lol.


Amber a whole fucking hypocrite. GTFO. Mark doesn't need her bitch ass anyway. Eve is best girl.


I lol'd for two reasons when you called him Rudy. Your reaction later did not disappoint.


Zagreus u prolly right in any case i cant wait to see how things unfold


All of my thoughts exactly. Are you my clone? Or am I yours? Lmao jk XD


It's cool, it actually disappeared I think after the X-Ray thing popped up briefly.


I have been seeing a lot of people reacting to Invincible. I've never heard about it and don't know much. Is it something I should get into. Someone give me a pitch of the show so I can get more interested in it


I'd recommend it. It's a really good show so far. It's on Amazon Prime video

Eli Kisamo

Or, you could just check it out for yourself? Pitching it to you would be, not ideal. Every episode unravels layers of the story and builds upon itself. Which is the best part of the show. Which are all spoilers. You should really just watch it for yourself. Not knowing much is the perfect way to watch it.


I could but I would rather just save myself the time. You could just tell me the basic premise. Is it a superhero show?


It's a superhero show and Episode 1 should be enough to make your decision to continue. You either like it or you don't at that point.


bro this episode was sick af

ok (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-27 09:48:11 @johan you are a psycho lmao. just watch ep 1 and decide. new to tv>
2022-10-10 06:13:05 @johan you are a psycho lmao. just watch ep 1 and decide. new to tv>

@johan you are a psycho lmao. just watch ep 1 and decide. new to tv>