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Wow....Shion and Gobzo...This is truly not a fine day for science..



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Terrence was really about to dip 💀. Solid episode tho.


I like how they treat Demon Lord as an evolution rather than just a title like other animes. Hey sherm how did you spoil it for yourself, did you look up manga spoilers after last episode like I did lol


I didn’t spoil it people can’t keep their mouths shut and spoiled it for me lol.


Shion wasn’t just the best secretary, she was the breast secretary


That first reveal of Shion broke me. Leading up to it, I was just like, "No.... no.... no.... no, no, no.... NO.... don't do this goddamnit...." Ngl, I think Great Sage was grieving in her own robotic way. That was kind of the vibe I got from her responses.


OH and I guess you didn't remember that when Milim first met Rimuru she introduced herself as a Dragonoid, maybe the only one I think? I know there aren't many, if any besides her. I THINK she also mentioned that's half human half dragon, but I could be wrong. Anyway, as soon as the fairy tale said daughter of human and dragon, with the pink hair there, I'm like, "OMG that's gotta be MILIM." And I think it was mentioned recently she's one of the oldest Demon Lords if not the oldest (ironic af). Remember in S1, all girls bath scene, as Milim was taking off, all the other girls told her one by one, "Don't let anyone trick you." Guess what? How much you wanna bet Clayman and his manipulative-ass tricked gullible Milim. Also that one pink haired girl in the intro with the armor, MAYBE could be Milim in her like, true form? After this episode, I'm getting that feeling, but it could also be a totally new character. Or maybe a Shuna and Shion fusion lmao.


Man you just need to not read the comment on youtube bro. Spoiling is annoying as fuck when it comes to reactions. It takes away the reaction quality of it all. I hate fuckers that straight up do that shit. It is one thing to generally hint at something or say a theory is wrong about something coming up in a series but it is a whole other thing to directly spoil and ruin something important to the story for people. The only thing I ever try to do is help someone understand something better or barely hint at something given the context surrounding that hint was already made in the anime but I just can't understand the stupidity and asshole fuckery that people like ruining a reaction by spoiling important stuff.


I saw that people said the anime sucked at showing the rage of remiru when he saw Shion and they were super disappointed with the episode. Something about this season feels slightly disappointing in a way. It could be the pacing and the off points of adaptation. I still can't help but remember the bad drawn out scenes near the end of episode 4 or 5 that had the scenes playing out way longer than they should have been. I still am enjoying this season but a little sloppy to me. Anyways I am ready to see remiru go off on the army. Over anything else I want those 3 people that showed up all cocky to be put in their place. I would opt in for killing them without mercy but that won't happen unfortunately.

Jeremy Estrella 🇩🇴

Me: cried when I saw Shion dead. 5 min later: give me back my tears dammit!!! 🤣

Jose silva

Honestly Rimurus rage felt hollow like we never build up there bond so why should anyone care. Also they moved way to fast past the darker tone it was bulding up the last episode and the beginning of this one, solution was almost instant.


Are you saying that it won’t happen because you’ve read the manga/LN and know that?