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The season finale! How did they adapt it? Happy New years to everyone!


noblesse13.mp4 (1080p) (1)

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New bluetooth earbuds arrived today, this is the lucky video to break them in! :D


Lmao I love how Rai just stands there, literally unfazed, as the clan leaders go ham on him. Also, Lord girl kinda thicc. I'd tap that. XD Seira still best girl though. No contest.

Solivigant Kaiba

Yo I'm gonna say alot. I highly recomend that when yall have time to read the manwha. The ending to this arc in the Manwha was so much different and hilarious I can't even. Geez where do I start? If you're willing to read this fool's ramblings I will list the differences. *Ch. 193 - 200* In the Manwha, Raizel and Raskreia's fight goes different. Yes, he annihilates he, but1) the family leaders do not fight him, Raskreia tells them to stand down and says she will be the one to fight him 2)they do not know he is the Noblesse, 3) Gejutel explains that just as family leaders have soul weapons, the lord has hers 'Ragnarok' and Rai has his which is his soul. He takes off his earring which is a limiter for his powers 4)the reason why Raskreia was holding back was because the Sanctuary, the palace, could not take the shock of their powers 5) When they both used their attacks Raizel was able to smoothly extinguish hers whereas she struggled a bit with this. He said to her 'try again', in a way as though he was teaching her as they fought. (Still savage though) None, and I mean NONE of her attacks hit him so he just says 'again', 'again'. She didn't use "Blood Field" until there was a forcefield made to protect the 'Sanctuary'. Ludis Mergas, the one with grey hair and the shield created it but even that cant hold both their powers. Towards the end of the fight, Rai gives her 'Ragnarok' and says "Keep in mind that /you/ are the Lord." Like, you are the one they respect, love, and revere. Next up is the previous Lord's message. Imma be real, his message was funny as all hell. Frankenstein arrives at this point(no Rai does NOT collapse) and points out that 'Ragnorok' was left in their home in the 'Forbidden Area' and Rai states that he didn't know . Karias bursts into the room but let's leave that for later cuz that's just comedy. They explain the whole dividing a soul weapon into two when it should only ever be made into one and that Rai had been asleep for 820 year while the previous Lord died 500 years ago. Yeah, the Lord explains why he did what he did but in doing so he leaves a message first to Raizel. "Were you surprised at seeing my Ragnorok in your home? Ha ha ha" - Previous Lord "Surprised?I almost had a heart attack." -Frankenstein "Remember my warning? When you rejected my offer, I told you I had other plans" - Previous Lord "If it were a good plan you wouldn't have done this"-Frankenstein "If the guy who's always with you is here he should be talking crap about me right about now"- Previous Lord "That's okay, cuz I'm a cool Lord, ha ha ha"- Previous Lord Lol Frankie is trying so hard to keep a straight face and not murder his recorded message. "Personally there's Karias, I think he enjoys life. I like that he doesn't seem like royalty. He reminds me of a younger me, you'll see."- Previous Lord ".......Maybe I do have a few personality problems. Its not a compliment to be praised by you"-Karias A lot of Raskreia's personality isn't shown here but she is not a tantrum throwing b*tch. You'll like her in the manwha if you ever give it a read. Anyway, it wasn't that she was not ready for the title of Lord but rather being theord is a stressful and hard job because you no longer live for yourself but you live for others. That's what her father didn't want for her. He wanted her to live her own life. "There's the man thing, ladies have to be careful. You have to start thinking that no man in the world is worth trusting." - Previous Lord "Don't stay out too late now that you're all grown up, and dont wear revealing clothes. This is only because men are trouble."- Previous Lord "Men like it when ladies wear tiny clothes but hate it when his own lady wear it."- Previous Lord "You need to behave like a lady, don't go swinging your sword around all the time."- Previous Lord "Don't forget dont trust men"(echoes echoes echoes) - The Previous Lord (probably) Anyway this has gotten real long. But information was left out and Tao brought a suitcase Ramen which had Rai making his Ramen face, Frankie was pissed, and Rai had Raskreia try ramen and left her a gift box full of instant ramen.