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Sorry I'm late! Had to run in to work for a few hours!



Watch "GOHS5.wmv" on Streamable.


Super Gestuga (Sakura)

Man I agree if Bandai makes I a gods of high school game I hope it lives up to the show. Because I say this fight with my friends we were blown away. 10 out of 10 in my books.


I’m with you guys about spoilers. I hate that stuff. I used to have a friend that’s a walking spoiler. He just cannot help himself. 😂😂😂


Oh yeah, the Death Note! It's been a while. Definitely a great place for the spoiler scum.

RJ Lee

Damn no Taylor this time?


Best episode yet! Last episode was kind of lame to me. It was way too much of a soap opera type of episode to me and like everyone else is saying it was weird how they did it and the pacing was weird af. But this fully made it up. They did this episode justice with the animation.


This is delta btw I haven't switched accounts yet but I am still here supporting.


I think it's that some people don't know what counts as a spoiler. Some people interpret things differently. I do agree that we should let you guys speculate and look forward to what the show(s) have to offer. My guess is that your viewers didn't want you to misunderstand that Daewi's friend was dead one episode, and then next episode you see him alive, confusing you in the end. I didn't read the comments, nor have I read the manwha for GoHS so I can't defend either side, but I can say fuck spoilers that ruin a moment or even the entire show.


Yea i read it a while back from what i remember there was never that misdirection that he died so i was confused when i saw it but obviously it was gonna be cleared up next episode so common sense told me let them believe what they want


Agreed, this episode cleared it up. I don't know how the manwha handled the scene where the heartbeat monitor went flat last episode, but I also thought Daewi's friend was dead.

Tyreesh Simmons

I honestly understand why people felt the need to clarify, but as a manwha reader I also appreciate that the anime is an entirely different format. There are a lot of things that I think the anime is saving to fit the format, and I think all of us manwha readers can stand to just be patient and let the story play out. I have that instinct to clarify things too, but I think I’ve come to the realization that this is a slightly different story than the one I started reading in 2014, so I’ll just wait to clarify until after the season is done. And then after that, either somebody else will spoil/clarify or the Re:Animated crew will read the source material. Bottom line, Mappa has a story they want to tell, and the creator of the story is heavily involved, so whatever happens, happens.


Well said. Although I can't remember which shows specifically, there have been a lot of shows I've seen that changed direction when compared to the manga or other source material. Some were good, others were fine, but most of them were bad 😂 Not saying this show is one of the bad ones, but as someone who doesn't read the source material, followed by the hype many of the fans had, I am looking forward to what's to come.