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Daewi no!!!



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Jalen Holmes

I had a feeling she was going to get beat up but not like that lmao


I feel like the blood and all is from the wound she got from mr sword man reopening when hit by Daewi, which makes the fight look more brutal than it probably would have been otherwise.


"I think Daewi is gonna hold back" boyyy did that age well


btw Daewi's friend isn't dead. His condition just got drastically worse, which is what made him more desperate to win the tournament before his time runs out

Tuff Posang

u should do rick and morty vs genocider reaction lol its pretty lit!!


Taylor was spitting at the end 😂. There was an end credit scene , but it was just them taking a selfie at the wedding after the fight so you didn’t miss much.


You guys still gonna react to danmachi?


I understand the assholes at work, but then Mira? Goddamn..... he didn't have to go that far, jeez. :( I get he's going through some serious shit though. He's a wreck mentally right now. Hopefully our Korean Goku can knock some sense into him. This episode was heavy af. Teared up a little.


If heard of the pacing issues before in the first 3 episodes. However even as a non webtoon reader I felt how bad it was in this episode. This episode gave me serious Tokyo Ghoul Re: vibes and hopefully that doesn't continue going forward. To put that statement into perspective, TG Re: adapted 120 chapters in the final 12 episodes so you can imagine how much of a shit storm that was.


I think if there's bleeding going on they treat it as a bigger deal than broken limbs. Still kinda fucked up, though.


Wasn't a fan of that episode, the pacing was god awful and the plot points were bizarre. Hopefully it's a one off

Tev Overhaul

I agree man I’m just gonna read the manhwa and see what I’m missing until I catch up with the anime and when next week episode drop and see what’s missing lol. I feel like The anime is trying to get to a certain point before the show ends to get more fans


if the pacing was normal th wedding would tak up 4 episodes lmfao


it's more fucked up when you realize he was purposefully aiming for her stomach wound from the beginning of the fight.


decent ep, the composing with the teacher being beaten by students is master class direction and art really impressive work and you dont see that in shonen almost ever

Umi-Ocean R

I know its been a while but, what's the situation on the ova's for drifters (ep 13 and 14)?


This is the 1st episode i wasn’t really feeling that much, the ending with Daewi was really nice but that whole wedding nonsense just seemed rushed and absolutely pointless tbh

Kuro Shishio

A week later, but they stopped the fight because she was unconscious. In the other fight, no one was unconscious, so they have to vocally surrender.