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Why don't people like Season 2 again?




Second season is better in my opinion

El Mandozer

Big facts, I love the second season.


Fyi Ais became level 6 in season 1 & both the Amazoness Twins are level 5 at this point iirc, they mention their stats earlier in the LN but don't in the Anime.


ya season 2 is lit. moving on up? to the East side? to a deluxe apartment in the sky? fucking love that show

Dan McKellar

I think a lot of the hate comes from compacting the stories from the Light Novels in Season 2.


Why do people hate the 2nd season? I’ll answer that for you without spoiling anything If this season was 4 episodes long it would be a pretty fire season, but unfortunately it isn’t I was hype af at this point last year when this season was airing too, but all the effort that went into the 1st 4 episodes did not go into the last 8, the back half of this season is so half-assed that i was genuinely pissed after it was over Of course you guys are free to form your own opinions, but you asked so i’m just warning you 🤷🏽‍♂️


All their levels were shown in the spinoff Sword Oratoria


hell yea


Misdirection, I think is a good word for what Lili did.


I still love the reaction tho I know how I feel bout the anime but I wanna see your reactions


Damn that was the most unique anime tournament arc I've ever seen. No random bad guys stopping the momentum with life stories that take two episodes to kill off, just straight wam bam, now the fights over here wam bam now the fight is over here. It was realistic in a director point of view. Good reaction, good episode (ep 4 btw)

RJ Lee

This is only the first half of the season. I personally enjoyed, but you've yet to see why some people might not like S2 lol


IMO S1 sets the tone for potential in the series where every episode is better than the previous. S2 starts off with that same ride, but slowly starts to go down instead of up. It just feels off, is the best way to describe it. Still a solid watch though, it’s just average.


Could be wrong if I remember there’s an increase in fan service , hype moments not being hype if that makes sense(this fight ended pretty quickly and wasn’t satisfying for me at least) On its own it’s okay but if I compare it to the firsts season it’s pretty disappointing and trash to be honest , especially second half


To be fair every fight in Danmachi has been rather short, which I'm honestly not mad about. I can't stand long drawn out fights.


That’s fair , I just thought this was hyped up too much to be this short or at least in my expectations lol


that is honestly a big part of it. It is ridiculous to expect the show to be exactly like the books but for most fans who waited for this show (myself included) some of the stuff they cut/changed was upsetting to say the least.


Hello, Hello. I am back for season 2 and whoo glad you guys seem to be enjoying this season as well. for this season there wont be really many fun facts but I'll throw in some of the stuff they cut to give some more context to what was happening that the anime skipped over or just took out completely so without further adieu.


1. For the training Bell got with Ais and Tiona (the girl with the big double blade) he was actually training almost every hour of every day from when they started to when he left for the war game. He grew alot from it as well not just stat wise but skill wise as well, there was a part when they stopped for a minute and as Bell was catching his breath Ais attacked him from a blind spot but he felt it coming and was able to deflect it.


2. When Lili was captured she was actually hand cuffed and under constant guard and Zanis actually told her what he planned to do with her. He wanted to use her transformation magic to use her as bait and capture monsters in the dungeon for some reason but like you saw Chandra (who is supposed to be a dwarf) let her out of her cell when Hestia raided the Soma winery but first she actually used her transformation magic to transform just her hands into werewolf claws so she could pick the lock. Her magic is strong enough to the point that she can transform specific parts of her body.


3. When Lili was on her way to Soma Zanis actually saw her and was tormenting her the whole was to Soma's office. hitting her up and down the stairs, slamming her into walls, even kicking her through doors along the way. he wasnt keeping her from getting to Soma because he believed whatever she said would not matter cause Soma wouldnt care and he was correct in that assumption.


4. Soma is a bit difficult to explain. He is a terrible god but not a bad guy. When he came down to the world he wanted to make a Familia and share the thing he loved most with his children or Familia members, his wine, however when he started to give them tastes of his wine he was upset at how quickly they all succumbed to the drink and began to not care about those weak children who couldn't handle his favorite thing so he started to not care about those in his Familial. The only ones whose voice he would even listen to was those who could still remain themselves after drinking so hes not a bad god technically, he just gave up on his Familia after they lost his respect.


5. a BIIIIIIG thing the anime actually skipped over was when Bell went to train with Ais and Tiona, Hestia took the Hestia Knife from him and used it as collateral to"buy" Lili and convert her into Hestia Familia. after Welf knocked out Zanis (that fight was actually a bit better too, there was more of an actual fight since both Welf and Zanis are lvl 2) Hestia came and gave Soma the Knife to buy Lili's conversion (when she became a member of Hestia Familia) and told him "If they lost the war game he could sell it but, once they won she would come and buy the knife back".


Answers to some of your questions from episode 3 1. Ryu still has her god's blessing. She is a member of Astrea Familia but Astrea is no longer in Orario. She has not gone back to heaven but shes not in Orario anymore which is why she was actually the person Hermes was trying to get on Bell's team from the begining. And shes not the Fox Eared girl from the intro. Lili is the only one we know of with transformation magic and she can only use it on herself. and 2. for Takemikazuchi's Familia (the purple robe people) Mikoto and Oukat (the Katana girl and the big guy) are both lvl 2. Everyone else in that Familia is still lvl 1 and Take went along to rescue Lili because he is actually really strong. Even though hes a god he could defeat most lvl 1 and 2 and even some lvl 3 adventures with his skill alone.


Now for episode 4 there is not much they left out honestly just a few bits of action and such. 1. The biggest things they did was when Ryu attacked she actually had a full body cloak on so noone could tell who she was since she is still blacklisted by the guild and if people knew she was there it would not end well.


2. The scale of the battle was not shown well Ryu took out 50 enemies outside the castle wall. Mikoto stopped about 25 enemies in the courtyard. and Welf took out about a dozen or so when he blew up the mages.


3. The Bell vs Hyacinthus had a bit more to it not much but a bit more of a one sided smack down as Bell was completely overpowering Hyacinthus in terms of skill and speed. Only when Cassandra (that girl with the dark long hair) tackled Bell was he able to get his magic attack off and it did mess Bell up. When it exploded it trashed his right arm.


4. In the War Game Bell was actually (supposed to be anyway) using the new Knife Welf made for him. In season 1 when Welf made his Knife from the Minotaur horn he actually cut into 2 ingots. 1 to use then and 1 to use later when he finally lvl'd up and earned the High Smith skill since that would make whatever he made even stronger.


and 5. The wooden sword Ryu uses is actually really strong. It's a custom made sword that was crafted from the branches of a holy tree from her home village and it boost her magic power by alot.


phew I think I wrote too much and if you guys dont care for this kinda thing let me know I dont want to take away from anyone's enjoyment of this series but I would like to share some of the cool things that didn't make it to the show but I'll tone it down if you guys think its too much. cant wait for the next episodes. cya.


also like I said previously anyone have any questions feel free to ask I will keep every answer spoiler free.