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Shank Mugen

I had gotten excited when Aqua said she will pull out the Rookie Slayer, cause they skipped the scenes with the Rookie Slayer in both Season 1 (Volume 2 adaptation) and Season 2 (Volume 4 Adaptation), only to be disappointed in it not appearing in the anime so far The first time it appears in the Light Novel is, directly before Kazuma, Keith, and Dust visit the Succubus Shop arc, when Dust gets jealous of Kazuma having "Harem" and asks to switch parties, and to his surprise, Kazuma agrees, and go to take care of some goblins with Rin, Keith, and Taylor (I had to look up who this Taylor was cause he doesn't get any other scenes in the main series), and Kazuma impresses them by suggesting he follow them instead of leading as he is lower level, which surprises the three of them, and he impresses them with his unorthodox usage of Beginner Magic, and when they realise that the Goblins are actually bait used by the Rookie Slayer, Kazuma gets them out of the situation with his quick thinking, and when they get back Dust is begging Kazuma to switch back as he understands now how truly useless the girls are The next is when they visit Arcanretia, and Megumin wants to do Explosion, so Kazuma and Wiz tag along, when a Rookie Slayer suddenly attacks Wiz, seemingly mauling her to death, and then drops dead after Wiz uses a spell, (I think it might be Drain Touch?), and she is completely unhurt, as Kazuma remember that Liches are completely immune to non-magical attacks, such as a deadly animal's claws A Rookie Slayer is described as a Panther/Cat that is about the size of an irl Bear


KITTEN!!! Such a precious little furball! :3