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This episode was wild lmfaooo



Dude, that poor guy. Like he had on a demi peek a boo bra and matching panties and was standing there talking about it does not matter that they are both men. That scream was the least of the noises hes gonna be making. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Dear god I forgot about that Noble and oh man I was waiting for that scene with Darkness, every time Kazuma's dumb ass ruins the moment haha. and as has been the pattern, for the Cut Content nothing much is missing, only part that really stood out is when Kazuma made his escape he actually fell and broke his arm, bro ran away in a lot of pain if I remember right. and a fun little bit that trick he used with create earth and wind breath was a combo he was supposed to have used all the way back in season 1 on a quest he had with Dust's and Rin's party, dust wasnt there tho. here we go 2 more episodes.