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Hi everyone :),

Just letting you know that I will gradually be getting back into animating this month :D. I may be animating and releasing projects at a slower pace but I will be enjoying every minute of it :). Thank you all for all the love and support you've shown me ❤️💕. You are all awesome. I couldn't have asked for a better community! 🫂



happy to have you back


Great to see you back! Do whatever you need to do to enjoy animating :) Any chance still planning to release the Ifalna video?


happy to have you back


Thank you :D. Yes the ifalna project is still being worked on :):):)


I just joined in and so far live your work...also hope to see Yuffie content one day...


can't wait 4 another awesome work of yours XP


welcome back, senpai! I hope your break gave you great rest, looking forward to what's in store <3


welcome back, take your time, take care of yourself <3 Your work is absolute top-tier but it's not worth it if you don't enjoy it :)


Plz lol Dont forget about Claire Redfield. Sorry I just had to say it.

Porky Ham

Welcome back Senpai! Great to hear from you again!


Please just make sure you don't strain your health, look after yourself


No updates in July? Can we at least get an update sometime soon?


Heya :), I will make an update once I have significant news :). Currently working on my animation template. I may release animation quickies for other characters using Kitana's blowjob animation ^^. Current major project however is Jill's creampie. Thank you for your patience ^_^.

Emmet Bryan

I'm sure whatever you do will be perfect so its worth the wait