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Heya :):),

I wanted to ask how frequently would you like me to update you on what I am working on?.

I like posting frequently (Almost daily ;D). usually I will post updates as soon as I have something. If you would like me to tone it down to just major milestones and releases please let me know.  Thank you for being so lovely and for engaging with me regularly ;D;D.

Also, Jill is really getting dirty with it ;D.



Phuc Do Hong

I like the daily update, make me feel more involved in your process


Senpai what you're doing now is great! Update at least weekly in my opinion. Although I love everything you are doing right now:)


I like it the way it is , just keep up the good work! :)


All updates are welcome keeps me excited regardless!


If you like engaging regularly then just continue doing so :) it's nice to see updates

Tony Nguyen

Keep doing what you feel like doing. Any update is welcome


Frequent updates are cool, it's nice to be engaged with the content you love. ❤👍


I'd love to see how progress moves for you with whatever project you're doing so yes please.


Updates are always good no matter how frequently they are posted!


Very glad to talk with the author, if someone only updates milestone artwork but refuses to talk something else with his patrons, wow, that must be very weird and I don't like it. :P


They way you've been doing it is fine to me. No pressure from me. I can wait because I know it'll be worth it.


Keep doing what you are doing. You have been more active than 99% of creators.

Pain Senpai

I enjoy updates :) looks like others do as well

Larile Millvet

Frequent updates, but no more than 1 per day 😁. If there is no interesting progress, don't feel obligated to update just for the sake of it. If nothing much is happening, then once per week is good.


I'll never complain about MORE frequent updates. It's a luxury to know where things are at and more so when you explain delays well in advance. If you're happy to so it , I'm happy to read it, but I hope it doesn't become a source of stress later on.


It ’s fun to check your updates every day, do n’t worry


I like the current updates


Updates are great!


Not a fan of the Jill art specifically (just preference/taste), but I’m a big fan of your work and am patiently waiting for Tifa/Jessie ☺️


Love the updates!


Daily updates are cool :)


This Jill is literally my favorite thing right now. I enjoy the frequent updates.


Yo you should just post memes and shit w/ a tidbit of what you’re working on if it’s small stuff. High key.


Also I fucking love u


The teases and updates lets us know that you’re hard at work, and I think that’s always better for people! That being said I love the constant updates and all you do ;)


I hope you can send it every day


Post updates whenever you feel it's worth updating. Anything else just feels forced.


Honestly when you fel like it but with a regular minimum, just to know what you are up to.


Can never be too often.