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Hi there :):),

I have just reviewed the final render and I was not yet satisfied with the results. It still needs more polishing. This animation has been the biggest production I have worked on to date, with by far the most fluids on display (not included in the test render), and I do not want to rush it. It still needs a couple more days of polishing at least. Again, I apologize for delaying it a few days beyond the release date. It will be worth it I assure you ;D:D:D.

With that said I do not want to keep you waiting more than you have to. Here's the the final test render if you cannot wait for the final animation :). I cut out the ending as I do not want to spoil it ;). This is not representative of the final quality.




No problem senpai! You're awesome!

Philip wise

Please take your time as long as the senpai quality continues there's no rush


Take your time senpai. Your quality is always worth waiting for.

John Burkey

With the quality you’re making these animations, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the final animation. Superb! I wouldn’t mind waiting a couple of days for an even better version of this.


This deserves an audio version ❤


Nice work really nice work. Although I was still expecting her to show some more emotion in her face though. Not anything against you it just seems most animations with people seem to do with her she has a permanent poker face.

Anthony S.

Man I love this, can’t wait to see when it’s finished. So glad its longer than your other stuff


If this is the test render, then I will gladly wait a couple more days for the final result! However, something about her eyes, I think it's the way it looks down, doesn't look so natural. But overall, I'm super hyped!


This is incredible, definitely the best Jill content around! Will there be sound accompanying the release, or will that come later down the road?


Wow even as test render it looks so amazing. Take your time and polish this masterpiece. 😉


This is a render of a still work in progress animation. Of course she will have facial animation in the final :):)


This is a render of a still work in progress animation. Her face was not finished here ;);)


I love your working, and i hope we get more from jill ❤


Looking forward too it. I know nothing about rendering. I still don't find her the most attractive in the world (big forehead and thick eyebrows) but since you removed all her blemishes and many more changes from what i see she looks tons better than in game. (You should release a face mod so we can use your model in game ;) )


Pretty good. Im new here and glad to help you ^^

Luke Pandora

I love Jill so much hope to focus on her :D