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So this project I'm doing is set in the deep woods of Stag's Run, where they kinda have their own ecosystem thanks to the arcane nature of ancient trees. I knew I wanted to make the clothing styles different from the 'outside world' to reflect that, but damn if I'm not having a dickens of a time landing on a specific set of parameters.

I wound up on Pinterest, as one does, and went down some rabbit holes and drew some radjurn wearing outfits I found. Most of these sketches are referenced from those photos. I think some of them are from Outlander? Ultimately decided on a vaguely Eastern European aesthetic, at least for now.



Tom Kazdy

Vaguely medieval slavic fashion tends to work really well for fantasy I've found, especially if that worlds magic is less arcane and not fully understood


Definitely! And bonus points for the kickass aesthetic tbh