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Every year I have to buckle down and think of some new horrible way to draw my pets on gift tags for the entertainment of my family, and this year I've got some new victims I mean pets so for once it was pretty easy to come up with ideas.

From top to bottom, left to right: Cornbone and Famous Dave (toads), Walter (cat?), Pippin (pooch), and oh god so many mice my mice had babies this year please help me

I've included the print-size version of this image for download just in case you need some befuddling gift tags. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and happy holidays to all!




oh my god i forgot about these after seeing them last year, i love them so much what precious pets


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I remember last year's tags. They're always a delight! And, uh, good luck with your Swarm™ - I bet they're heckin cute!