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Edit4: Much better. But for real this time.
I even enhanced the "ink" material with some subsurface scattering.
I'm not sure if I'm entirely done with the composition or not, but... I feel like we're nearly done here overall.  I also had a last-second accident with my extra lights and ended up with some nice edge lighting 👌

I think all I need to do now is finish up the liquid part.
Oh, I also ended up doing a more subtle green for Marina nipples and lips and such. I might need to brighten it up a bit still but she started looking.....bad when it was too bright lol


Edit3: Much better. No more swamp goo in the tub. Not sure about the background; I've basically just made the HDR I was using for lighting visible lol. I might have to build my own bathroom ... yikes
I'm similarly unsure about marina's cock color. Maybe it will look better if I fix both of their nipples to match the ink. Not sure I guess I'll need to poke around  🤷


Edit2: Lots of tweaking to do then I just need to re-do the liquid at a higher resolution along with the cumshots. Not sure about the camera angle but I think I'm getting there.

Edit: Second image. This one feels very rough around the edges to me, but I got a decent amount of work done. Need to do a lot more work and polishing but I'm liking where this is going :)


Rather than spamming a bunch of posts of work in progress images, I'll be adding the images as I go to this post.

This first image is quite early. A lot of things will likely change but I figured I may as well show something. Hell I haven't even added marina in yet

In general I plan to have marie getting a handjob and marina getting herself off with that hair tentacle on the left. 

Or maybe both with the hair or both with handjobs. I'm not really sure just yet lol
Also not sure if I want one of them (probably marie) to shoot it into callie's mouth with it overflowing, or just have them finishing on her in general with callie looking totally satisfied.

Lots of ideas floating around in my head; I may end up doing multiple versions again lol

Oh and that liquid there is just for testing purposes, the end result will look much better




Needs Marina to help ink the turf ;D


When a post gets updated, does it move back to the top of our Home feed? I'm not sure how Patreon's post updates work. Looking forward to the updates!


I'm not entirely sure to be honest, although there is a "NOTIFY PATRONS ABOUT THIS CHANGE" checkbox, so I imagine there will at least be a notification if I check it.