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Oh, gosh, it's been more than a little while, hasn't it? I'm really sorry about the silence. Here, have a small wall of text:

Ever since December I've been in some sort of rut as far as my art goes. I still like drawing, and I think about my comic a lot (I've got some new story beats and ideas ready to go), but for whatever reason I can't seem to push myself to actually draw the comic lately.

I suspect it's a mix of a few different things-- general burnout, dissatisfaction with my art and process, and ADHD's classic Executive Dysfunction. Nothing super serious, but it's just put me into a funk where I don't do the things I mean to get done, and I've found it very hard to start any sort of important task, even if it's simple and only takes a few minutes, like doctor's appointment calls.

But that's all just a long-winded way of explaining that I haven't been working on the comic.

Seeing as I have an upcoming (minor) surgery in March that will keep me from sitting for long periods for a few weeks whilst I recover, I think right now is a good time to let you all know that Tales of Kalzeria will be officially going on hiatus. I'll see if I can get something up on the website to that effect.

I'm still going to be able to process February and March rewards (I'm putting together the rewards posts next) so do not fret-- I love doing these drawings for everyone and I will try my best to not make you wait. (I'm also going to see about finishing outstanding commissions, since I don't like making things for people when I'm not operating at full capacity, but equally don't like making people wait.)

I think once everything's sorted, I'll be ready to tackle Tales of Kalzeria again at full force. I'm just sorry it's taken so long to come to this conclusion, and that you'll have to keep waiting some more for the story to continue. I'll see about getting some lore posts and the like while I'm recovering, since I'll at least be able to type on my tablet while I'm recovering (drawing is up to debate at the moment). Not a day goes by where I think about this comic, truly-- I have no intention to abandon it, and I don't want to let people down. But for now, I need to admit that I have to take a moment to just let it sit so I can make it the best it can be, by being better to myself.

Thanks for reading, thank you for your support, and I promise-- there will be some fun stuff ahead of us! (And also I look forward to drawing the upcoming rewards for those of you who get them~)


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