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Hey there! I feel like this is a new post type that I should be making nowadays!

So you might have found yourself wondering: "Where's Tales of Kalzeria? What's Neon up to? Where is that large automobile?"

Well, I can answer the first two of those!

I had never intended to take a hiatus from Tales of Kalzeria, but in the past few months I found myself increasingly stressed out at the thought of working on the comic, and that is a very good sign that one needs to take a break. Which isn't to say that I necessarily wanted to take a break-- I still very much didn't want to stop working on the comic, but I'm suspecting some sort of SAD kind of situation sank in. In light of this, I've begun to try to rectify this problem, and suffice it to say, I think I'll be getting back to work on Tales of Kalzeria again this January. I have a pretty good reason for this further delay, though.

I've been hired to draw a project that'll take up about most of, if not all of, December. You'll hear about it later when I can tease some of the work, but since it's comic-related, that means I won't really have any time to produce Kalzeria this month. If this project is successful enough at greasing my wheels, I'll be getting back into Kalzeria, and I'll be very happy to do so!

I'm very sorry that this hiatus came up unannounced, and I'm so grateful for your continued support all the while! I've been noodling away at the future story for Kalzeria in the meanwhile, and I think you'll enjoy the ride that I'll be taking you along. Thank you for sticking with me, and I look forward to a forging ahead on Kalzeria in the future!


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