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I haven't been posting updates nearly as much as I have in the past (to the full-backlog tiers, at least), and I just wanted to let you all know that I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up with that pace this past month or so. I really did feel perfectly fine powering through those pages at that pace before, but I think I haven't been giving myself enough of a true break from working on these pages and that means I can't recharge my batteries efficiently enough.

This is all a long-winded way of saying that unfortunately I won't have a page fresh off of the presses this week. I intend to take a 3-day weekend to recover and hit the ground running on Monday. Pages will still go up as normal for $1+ patrons and the public release as well. That's what the buffer is for, after all!

I hope you won't mind the slowed pace this month. I'll do everything I can to make sure I get 4 pages at least every month, and I have a pair of pages that are lined up which should get knocked out pretty efficiently after I recharge. I'll be reminding everyone about reward submissions this weekend, so look forward to those starting sometime next week!

Thanks for your patience and your support! <3


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