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Earlier this week (yesterday, by the time of this writing), Creators on Patreon were told about some changes to the way processing fees would be handled. They've recently made a post that's aimed more at the Patrons (you guys). You can check it out here: https://blog.patreon.com/updating-patreons-fee-structure/ 

In short, you'll be paying more next pledge cycle--and it's all made on a per-pledge basis. For every Creator you pledge to, you have to pay a fee, which may greatly increase how much you pay every month depending on the amount of money you pledge and how many Creators you pledge those amounts to.

The upside is supposedly that Creators get to keep more of the pledge values that you all see and place.

I feel kind of poorly about it because I'm the one who is being benefited by the site; if anyone should be paying fees, it should be me! I don't see why the good people who choose to support the creators they like should have to carry the burden of paying for the service that lets them send money.

I understand that this will cause some people to have problems with the amounts that they choose to spend on Patreon, and I want to let you all know that if you don't want to spend more than you already planned to, it's perfectly acceptable to lower or remove your patronage. I need to start thinking of an alternative.

Hopefully this will be resolved smoothly, and maybe Patreon will roll back some of this change.

In other news, I've started layouts for the comic! Here's some samples. :3

Also, don't forget to check out the posts for rewards that you're eligible to receive!

$5 Doodle Page: https://www.patreon.com/posts/5-doodle-page-15705739 

$15 Sketch Request: https://www.patreon.com/posts/15-sketch-form-15705646 


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