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In the movie, Hidden Dragon, we learn that the protagonist, Hei, wasn’t chosen to be a guard. So, for this pic, I imagined what would have been the test about~.

Of course, a test that would try out stamina, strength, and perseverance: a tickle exam xP. So, the poor dragon couldn’t quite get passed through it,  giving up just about 2 minutes since the tickling began xD.

What do you think?~

First pic of the month and of the year everyone!

To start it in the right way, and to celebrate the Year of the Dragon, a dragon had to be the victim for this pic~.

There were many options, but at the end I ended up choosing Hei since I believe that there isn’t a pic of him getting tickled, at least just yet xP.

So, what do you think?~



TechnoDwarf0 .

I haven't seen the movie yet but I've seen more of thud guy around and he's absolutely adorable! Definitely deserves this!


I've been looking for the movie everywhere and couldn't find it x-x And you are right, that dragon deserved all the tickles~