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First, I’m very thankful for all the Patreons that joined for this month. Really, your support means a lot to me and has really helped me a lot <3

It's been 3 weeks since I started this patreon page, and while I'm not in a hurry to gain supporters, there have been two situations that might force me to change how things work pretty soon.

-I found out the content I posted here got leaked literally the day after I posted the first exclusive.

-Only *one* person has bought a tier higher than bronze.

The first is a huge issue, as I'm trying to make this page interesting enough and said leaks won't help with that. This might force me to act like other content creators and have the exclusive content only available for a limited time before deleting it, or to simply disable any links I post to have access to the HD versions of the artwork after a while.

As for the second problem, this means the pools I planned will only have one vote (or none if said person decides to not vote or forgets about it). Depending on what happens the following months, I might have to rely on my own ideas to make up for the lack of interest and/or eventually remove those other tiers altogether.

Since I'm just starting with this, I won't do these changes right away (as in next month), but I'm giving you guys a heads-up so you don't get surprised by any sudden changes on how or what I post here. Don't worry though, even if things change, it's very likely the bronze tier will stay the same since it's the one that seems to be the most popular for now.



There was a site that popped up that somehow managed to pull Patreon content and show it for free. I might suggest what Siberio does, putting the content for each month into folders for each tier on Google Drive or Dropbox and giving a link to it. Eventually, like a year or two later, he eventually makes most of his past artwork available on his FA. People that do limited time content aren't doing it so much to prevent art theft as they are using it to keep subscribers through the fear of missing out. Mobile games do the same thing all the time.