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In this release the most notable additions are the ability to take over the body of Nicole, completion of Flora's photoshoot scenes, more selfie pictures of multiple ladies and the addition of new scenes. As per your feedback, we've also lowered the damage done by the boss in the Hole.

This release is currently only available for closed alpha testing for Level 20+ patrons. It will be available soon for Level 10+ patrons.

  • [ADDED] 2 new quests: "Mind Check", "Private Eye"
  • [ADDED] bodyswap scene featuring Nicole (Memory #99)
  • [ADDED] photoshoot scene featuring Flora (Memory #98 updated)
  • [ADDED] "Private Eye" scene featuring Aiyana (Memory #100)
  • [ADDED] cow scene featuring Scarlett (Memory #101)
  • [ADDED] more selfie photos featuring Violet, Zoe, Nicole and Aiyana (Memory #97 updated)

  • [CHANGED] "Super Model" quest which can now be completed.
  • [CHANGED] "Lust Toys Grinding" event where arousal now increases faster, because it was confusing to players when they didn't realize that arousal has to hit 100% for the event to finish.
  • [CHANGED] the Hole combat boss, where the boss now does less damage (without easy mode on).
  • [CHANGED] doing the "Super Model" photoshoot events now reward you with the super duper toy that was used during the photoshoot and the recipe to craft the toy yourself.

  • [FIXED] help menu accessed from the main menu would keep going back to the main menu after picking an option.
  • [FIXED] being able to switch to the alter-ego while in Natalie's body.
  • [FIXED] ability to bypass the gate inside the Gym by (mouse) clicking on the elevator.
  • [FIXED] UI disappearing after Natalie appears for the third time in her slutty outfit in the hallway.
  • [FIXED] possibility for the Natalie slutty outfit events to trigger one after another in the hallway.
  • [FIXED] being able to interact with the lost students after taking over Natalie's body.
  • [FIXED] Violet and NPC appearing on the road doing nothing after taking over Natalie's body.
  • [FIXED] Claire's sprite not showing when certain conditions are met during the "Lust Toys Grinding" scene.

Fixes from v0.7.4a to v0.7.4c (during closed alpha testing):

  • [FIXED] after using aphrosediac it would not correctly increase the MC's arousal level.
  • [FIXED] after using aphrosediac the game would instead (try to) remove antiandrogen from the MC's inventory.
  • [FIXED] still being able to "go after Aiyana" even after finishing the private eye quest.
  • [FIXED] Aiyana still appears on the road in front of the MC's house after finishing the private eye quest.
  • [FIXED] being able to repeat the new catsuit photoshoot.
  • [FIXED] Balloon Girl quest not completing after talking to her in the City (will complete the quest automatically if already talked to balloon girl pre-fix).
  • [FIXED] Nicole's "Mind Check" quest and the "Slutty Natalie" event could trigger together in the hallway, which would freeze the game.



Hello! Just downloaded the game and tried out the new update, but found a problematic bug. I was originally trying to do the memory in the toys shop where the 4 school girls give you an assjob, but instead I got an event where 2 guys are harrassing Sofia (one of them was licking her toes). After the event, I was unable to move, or interact with anything, even my phone didn't work.


Hi will! Thank you so much for reporting the bug to us. It sounds like both events are trying to run at the same time, which probably caused the freeze. We'll look into this right away and release a hotfix. Cheers =)

Kyle Jarosik

Hello I have encountered a bug during the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang side quest. I keep trying to encounter Floria and Natalie during the night for the 3rd time, but I am unable to complete the quest. when I try to click on Flora, she does not do anything and also, she is just standing in the middle of living room without any clothes on


Hi KJ! Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. Would it be possible for you to send us your save files? It will make it much easier for us to figure out what exactly is causing this bug. All you have to do is zip your entire "save" folder (within the "www" folder) and send the zip file as an e-mail attachment to contact@bonergames.com Cheers =)


How do I actually go after Aiyana have the quest and saw her leave that first night but couldn’t find her?