School of Lust v0.7.3 Changelog (Patreon)
2023-05-23 14:34:48
2023-07-07 15:09:02
In this release the most notable additions are the multiple new side content/scenes that have been added, but also an important bug fix with mouse controls, that made it impossible to click your mouse at certain points (especially occurring when trying to leave a room or loot down in the Hole).
We've also included the (probably incomplete) changelog for version 0.7.2 for those of you that are interested.
- [ADDED] Continuation to the Spend Time Together with Zoe event (Dream World event)
- [ADDED] Harfort (Friday) scene feat. Sofia, Violet, Claire and Zoe (Memory #95)
- [ADDED] Alter Ego scene feat. Natalie (Memory #96)
- [ADDED] Slutty clothes feat. Natalie (multiple events)
- [ADDED] Selfie photos feat. Sofia, Natalie and Flora (Memory #97)
- [ADDED] Flora SexyWear shop additional photoshoots event (Memory #98)
- [ADDED] super duper toys recipes found all around the map.
- [ADDED] a new item: Aphrosidiac (to increase arousal or remove facial hair).
- [ADDED] a few extra hints throughout the game.
- [ADDED v0.7.2] main story continuation.
- [CHANGED] romance level requirement for Flora and Natalie to trigger the "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" scenes, which gradually increases per scene (starting from a minimum romance level 3 to a minimum of 6).
- [CHANGED] memories maps have been reduced to two maps by placing the torches closer to each-other.
- [CHANGED v0.7.2] the Hole combat projectile collision. It was not always accurate especially with larger projectiles, so we've revamped the collision system.
- [FIXED] Aiyana's dating event (jumping rope) where there was a possibility for the pictures to stay on screen after the event ends.
- [FIXED] Memory #94 showing the wrong hint to unlock the memory.
- [FIXED] Memory #87 (lust toys grinding) playing endlessly with no way to stop it (and added memory caching to stop the jitter).
- [FIXED] Flora's pubes/blush layers not moving correctly during the SexyWear photoshoot event.
- [FIXED] mouse controls where sometimes it would ignore mouse clicks due to an engine limitation (when sprites overlapped).
- [FIXED] possibility for the MC's animated bust not to load correctly when talking to Natalie.
- [FIXED] Flora's animated bust where when changing her breast type the body asset would stay static, which looked very off.
- [FIXED] City entrance requirement, which was rather confusing to the player. Now after day 22 the player is always allowed to enter the City, excluding Friday mornings (when it's mandatory school day). To enter the City within the first 3 weeks of the game, the player has to start the "To Whom My Concern" quest first.
- [FIXED] Flora not having eye shadow on during the SexyWear photoshoot.
- [FIXED] Town lights and car noises stop working after Spending Time Together with Zoe.
- [FIXED] not correctly lighting torches on the memories map.
- [FIXED] being able to interact with the people in the queue during Flora's past scene in the City.
- [FIXED] "The Bottom #2" quest now correctly showing the "Quest cannot be completed yet" message.
- [FIXED] some of the character icons not correctly appearing on the world map, while they're there.
- [FIXED] phone cloning itself during Aiyana's dating scene when she picks up the phone.
- [FIXED] unable to leave the Farm after completing Nicole's quest.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] unable to repeat Memory #87 from the memories map.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] accessing the menu during Natalie's dating scene, which would cause a black screen.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] possibility for Aiyana not to appear on the Contacts page (accessed from the phone menu)
- [FIXED v0.7.2] Gip's bust appearance to be consistent with his scenes.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] engine lighting module not correctly working during certain events.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] the Hole combat (bullet range) not correctly scaling with Effort level.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] possibility for Aiyana to no longer appear in Church after finishing the Stalking the Stalker quest.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] major bug with arousal meter limit penalty only working once per map inside the Hole.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] possibility to get a frozen screen after defeating a "student-mini-boss" inside the Hole.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] possibility for Violet to appear in her living room and outside on her trike at the same time.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] UI disappearing after interacting with the computer to connect to the cameras.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] UI disappearing after interacting with the Farmer who sends the player to retrieve 3 items at the fields.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] possibility to keep restarting the "Broken Camera" quest (which was causing all kinds of issues).
- [FIXED v0.7.2] after failing the Violet Date bull event and successfully completing it afterwards, it would still mark it as failed, so continuously asking to try again.
- [FIXED v0.7.2] after completing the first part of Aiyana's Ritual event it would allow the player to go naked.