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Hi everyone!

It has been a while since our last post, so we thought it's about time to post a new progress report on what we've been up to since the School of Lust version 0.7.0 release.

We hope that all of you have enjoyed the 0.7.0 release by the way! (◠﹏◠) 

Our main focus lately has still been the main story content. We really want to make sure that it's done right, so we have had to take some extra time for it. We have finished all the artwork for the main story content and are currently doing some final adjustments to the animations. We unfortunately can't post any teasers as it would spoil the story, but we're quite proud of what we've created so far and can't wait to share it with you guys. It won't take much longer now (ˇ∀ˇ )

We're also planning to release a new dating scene very soon as all the artwork and animations are fully ready to be implemented. We might do an early release for it, as it's pretty much done. This one will release complete (unlike Aiyana's dating scene that had to be done in multiple parts/updates). No spoilers on who it is, but I think we might've spoiled it in a previous post already... Any guesses? ಠಠ 

On top of that, we've been working on adding more events to Harfort, continuation to Elena's path, the "slutty outfit" for Natalie, a lot more body swap events and more!

We will leave you with a few teasers for the upcoming School of Lust updates:

In the spirit of Halloween, here's Flora wearing her paper bag to stay anonymous when she goes and murder some strangers. Murder them with her kindness and attractiveness that is!

This one was actually partially suggested by one of our patrons. It's a small teaser of an upcoming Harfort scene.

That's all we have to share on School of Lust for now. We will post again as soon as the upcoming update is in closed alpha testing.

To finish it off (no pun intended): here's a small teaser on our upcoming 3D game Untitled Boobs Game (working title) for those of you who are interested. Keep in mind that this is work in progress...

Natalie is trying to figure out how to workout with her new exercise ball... I guess it's a bouncing ball now (╯·╰)

As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Cheers =)

BG Team



Any updates on the next version? Hope you guys enjoy the holidays ♥️

boner (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-11 21:59:31 Greetings CM! We're currently doing some final touch-ups for v0.7.1, so the update should be out soon. We'll post a progress report asap. Happy holidays! <3
2022-11-23 08:32:53 Greetings CM! We're currently doing some final touch-ups for v0.7.1, so the update should be out soon. We'll post a progress report asap. Happy holidays! <3

Greetings CM! We're currently doing some final touch-ups for v0.7.1, so the update should be out soon. We'll post a progress report asap. Happy holidays! <3

Willie Smith

Any update? Been about 6 weeks since last update..


Hi WS! We're still trying to wrap up the development on the upcoming update. There's nothing new to tease right now, so we've been a bit quiet. The only news we have is the fact that version 0.7.1 is coming within this month. Hopefully right before the holidays. Cheers =)