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Hi everyone!

We thought it's about time to post a quick update on the release of School of Lust version 0.7.0.

We've got good news and bad news...

Let's start with the bad news, which is that the main story content that we've been working on tirelessly the past few months, is still not playable at this point. The main story content is quite big in scope, because (slight spoiler) we go back in time on "the Island" and creating that has been quite a challenge to us. It looks like we will need at least a few more weeks to finish the main story part, which would mean that we would have to postpone another update this month, which is not something that would be fair to you guys...

So on to the good news; which is that we've decided to release what's playable in version 0.7.0 (in closed alpha testing), which should be ready this weekend (or Monday at the latest). The new update includes a lot of interesting new content! 

We're currently doing some internal testing, which shouldn't take longer than a day or two and we'll release it in closed alpha testing first and everyone else after.

We will post a detailed changelog as soon as we're done with the testing, but in short, the most notable content that is currently playable includes the following:

  • introduction to a brand new character: Elena ( That's right! Yet another character name that ends with an "a" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
  • conclusion to Aiyana's dating event
  • conclusion to the SexyWear quest feat. Flora
  • continuation to the Dream World event (with a new side kick)
  • ability to hire Zoe to the Lust Toys shop
  • continuation to the nighttime bathroom event feat. Flora
  • And more!

Stay tuned for the release post.

Thank you so much for your continued support and patience with us! (˶ ᵔ ̫ ᵔ ˶)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Cheers =)

BG Team

TLDR: Main story content is not ready yet, but School of Lust version 0.7.0 still has lots of content that is coming out within a few days for closed alpha testing and level 10 patrons soon afterwards.


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