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Hi everyone!

A new School of Lust update (version 0.6.4) is now available to download on the Download Portal.

Please note however that we unfortunately could not finish everything that we've been working to include in this update, but we also couldn't make you guys wait any longer, so we've decided to release what's playable right now before the end of the month (and right before the start of the weekend).

The current version 0.6.4 update includes 3 chain-quests, which consists of two animated scenes and also the combat system/event that we've mentioned in our last progress report. These took way too much time to implement, due to several unexpected issues (mostly with the very frustrating to develop combat system). And it's not even main story content! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

The good news, however, is that we've made a lot of progress on the rest of the upcoming content as well (like the continuation of the Dream World and Anonymous quest and more). The maps, dialogue, scenes and everything else is ready, but unfortunately we've realized that we won't be able to implement those before the end of May. We will however make sure to release version 0.6.5 shortly after, like we did with our previous releases.

That said, we do believe that this current (version 0.6.4) release should entertain you guys quite a bit. It's probably one of our most interesting side story content to date. We look forward to your feedback on it. Here's a quick summary of the main content added in version 0.6.4:

  • [ADDED] Dairy farm combat system
  • [ADDED] 3 Quests: Got Milk?, Wonder Boy and Fixing the Leak #2
  • [ADDED] 2 Memories #81 & #82

And lots of bug fixes that will be detailed in the changelog of the upcoming release.

WINDOWS USERS: We've uploaded two versions for the Windows version 0.6.4a of School of Lust on the Download Portal. The standard version that we've always released so far and a "PERFTEST" (performance test) version that comes with an update to the game engine (NW.js), which is supposed to improve performance quite significantly.

We've tested the PERFTEST version ourselves and we did not find any significant performance gains. However, we don't have access to a weaker computer to test the game on, so in hindsight, our testing was a bit pointless, eh? L(° O °L)

Which is why we'd appreciate it if those of you on lower-end systems or those of you who have had performance issues in past releases can download the PERFTEST version instead and let us know if the game runs well for you and if you notice any differences between the two versions. If we receive positive feedback on the performance test version, we will update the Mac version as well.

The executable file of the PERFTEST version has been modified, so as we've seen in the past, it is possible that the PERFTEST version will yet again be identified as a false positive by the more obsessive security software. If this happens, please let us know, so we can contact them to whitelist the file.

As always, we've made sure that the new update is backwards compatible with all save files of prior versions of the game. All you have to do to restore your old saves is to copy/move all the files from within your /www/save folder of the prior version of the game to the same folder inside the new game folder. For more information, please visit our FAQ page.

If you need help progressing, please check out the Wiki, or don't hesitate to contact us directly.

Keep in mind that the new combat system may have some balancing issues. We've tested it as much as we were able to, but it could still be a bit grindy (especially to finish the new "Got Milk?" quest), although there are some tricks to go around the grind (which is detailed on the Wiki page). Please let us know if you guys think it should be tweaked or if it's fine this way. Oh, and make sure to bring as many antiandrogens and teddy bear bombs with you! ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ

If you find any other bugs, notice any grammatical errors or want to give us feedback, we would appreciate it if you could let us know by replying to this post, sending us a message here on Patreon or e-mailing us at contact@bonergames.com.

As always, thank you so much for your support. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Please stay tuned for the upcoming School of Lust v0.6.5 release, which we promise won't take as long!

Cheers ( ˘ ³˘)ノ°゚º❍。

BG Team




I ran into the same issue with Side quest, Dirty Secret -Hypnotize Natalie again. Exit house and old man talks, after then she runs straight into old man's house and get stuck.


Hi Zero! Thank you for letting us know. Can you try downloading the following file: https://bonergames.com/p/Map182.zip Please unzip it and place it into your /www/data/ folder and replace the existing file. Let us know if that fixes the problem. Cheers =)


I'm not able to leave the house because when ever I try to the MC says I should talk to Flora first and I can't sleep because its Friday.