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Hi everyone!

It's time for a new progress report for the upcoming School of Lust version 0.5.2 update and a quick (non-SoL related) poll.

We'd like to start with the Soapland dating event featuring Flora and Aiyana that released not too long ago, as you guys were quite vocal about that one, specifically about the final intercourse scenes. Some of you noticed that the "juicy parts" were rather obstructed due to the front view of the scene (where Flora is sliding on top of the MC), which is a valid point! ヾ(^-^)ノ

As we mentioned in a previous progress report, we've been working on adding an extra angle/view to this animated scene, which allows you to switch between two different angles.

We initially thought about adding a view/angle from behind, but that would still obstruct most of the "juicy parts". We've settled with a bottom-up view, which allows you to view the scene from down below. We thought this would make it rather unique and it would expose all the "juicy parts".

The artwork is already finished and in queue to be animated, but we don't want to spoil it, so here's a teaser (initial sketch) of the scene featuring Aiyana instead:

You will be able to change the transparency of the MC or remove him completely from the scene (only leaving his boner).

What do you think of the bottom-up view? Yay or Nay? ~(^-^)~ 

You must be wondering what else we're currently up to, so we thought we'd share a list of all the things that we're currently focusing on for the upcoming few updates:

  • Main story: Dunia available in her new dorm room and events around her.
  • The continuation of the Rekam'Ybab event in church featuring Aiyana.
  • Making the new sexy lingeries available to try and buy for the other girls (including an extra SexyWear scene).
  • Continuation of Nicole's event (e.g. appearing in class in Harfort if you selected that route).
  • A new (solo) dating scene (featuring one of the most beloved girls).

And a bunch of other scenes/events we do not wish to spoil right now, but here's a teaser (rough sketch) for one that we're very excited to present soon:


We'll try to post a planned release date in the next progress report, but you won't have to wait too long for the next update, as we plan to release less hefty content updates more frequently. 

For those of you waiting for the Android version of School of Lust, you'll unfortunately have to wait a little bit longer. There are still some issues that have to be resolved (especially with combat in the Hole), but we'll keep you updated on how it progresses.

And last, but not least, we'd like to do another quick poll.

We know that all of you are gamers, but we'd also love to know how many of you (like to) watch cartoons/anime or read comics/manga/manwha? Please choose your answer down below. You can pick as many answers as you want, even if you only read/watch once a week. And we'd love to hear which series they are! Please feel free to comment down below.

As always, thank you so much for supporting us, and stay tuned for the release date of the upcoming update. There are a lot of things we can't wait to share more about soon! ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We always love to hear your feedback!

Cheers! =)

Boner Games


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