School of Lust v0.5 Progress Report (Patreon)
Hi everyone!
It's time for a new progress report for the upcoming version 0.5 release of School of Lust.
First of all, we'd like to thank all of you who have given us feedback on the dating scene featuring Flora. The main consensus appears to be that the whole event leading towards the h-scene was enjoyable, however a few of you didn't enjoy the actual payoff. Specifically the animations and the quirky POV angle of the final h-scene.
We're aware of the animations still being rather stiff and we're planning to improve on those in the future. On top of that, when we reach the beta phase, we plan to optimize and enhance all scene animations (and proofread the dialogue).
Regarding the POV angle on the final h-scene during Flora's dating event, we do realize that this is rather limited on what you can see and we have decided (thanks to a suggestion from you guys) to add an extra angle to the final scene, which will allow you to switch from first person to third person view and back. Expect this change in one of the upcoming updates.
If you guys have any other feedback about the recent update or just in general, please don't hesitate to let us know. Your feedback is extremely helpful to us!
For the upcoming School of Lust version 0.5 release, we're mainly focusing on adding more events/scenes when at Harfort, playing as the alter-ego or playing as Natalie, more random scenes when interacting with the world and finishing Nicole's (Re-Education) event. We'll be focusing on hypnosis and main story content thereafter. Those of you who like Claire are especially going to get spoiled, as she's getting a lot of attention in the next few updates! (-‿•)
We're also close to finishing the new sexy lingerie shop scenes that we teased recently, but it's likely not going to make it in the upcoming v0.5 update, as we'd like to release the update ASAP. Expect the clothing shop feature very soon though!
The animations for the third dating scene is also completely done, but implementation will probably take a while (considering the previous two dating scenes took a while as well). The artwork for the fourth dating scene is currently being drawn as well! The upcoming two dating scenes will be very different to the previous two, with more complex interactions and more unique settings to keep things fresh (considering the last two dating scenes are quite similar). We can't wait to show them off to you guys soon! (๑>ᴗ<๑)
And finally, here's a sketch/teaser for an upcoming scene (which is part of multiple scenes) that might seem rather unexpected or questionable, especially coming from Violet:
And before you ask, no, Violet wasn't hypnotized =)
We'll post the changelog for the upcoming version 0.5 update as soon as we start the internal testing stage. We still have 2 tasks left to complete and polish (see the progress bar on the front page).
As always, thank you so much for supporting the game, and stay tuned for the release date of the upcoming update. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Cheers! =)
Boner Games