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Hi everyone!

It's time for another progress report on what we have been up to since the last update and a quick poll. We'd appreciate it if you can take a moment to vote down below!

We've just finished creating all the animations for the upcoming animated scenes for the next update of School of Lust (including the big dating scene!). They still need some testing/tweaking, but the most time consuming stuff is behind us.

Right now we're finishing the dialogue and implementing the scenes, so we should have an update for you guys very soon. Depending on how many of the scenes we can add to the next update, we'll either release the update as version 0.4.4 or 0.5.

Here's a teaser sketch of one of the upcoming scenes we've been working on (which is part of several continuous scenes): 

Any guesses on where Sofia and Violet are and what they could be doing?

Last but not least a quick poll;

Lately, we've been releasing mostly side content, which includes the dating scenes, lust toys shop, clothing options and other side stories/activities/quests. They're still of significance, as some of them compliment the main story, however we haven't touched the main story a lot lately (besides Dunia, who has a big part in the main story). A few examples of main story content would be the Hole, debt with Gip and the Operations Center.

After the upcoming update has been released, we can go either way. We'd love to hear from you if you believe that our focus should be on releasing more main story content or continue finishing the side content first? Please vote down below!

As always, thank you for your support. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions or comments.

Cheers! =)

Boner Team


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