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Persona 5 Developers issued a statement that any Content creators that don't follow their rules will receive manual Content ID claims or even DMCA takedowns and they are apparently making good on those threats. This sort of behavior should not be tolerated and Atlus has earned a permanent ban on my channel as a result of this.


Persona 5 Devs threaten Content Creators

Persona 5 Developers issued a statement that any Content creators that don't follow their rules will receive manual Content ID claims or even DMCA takedowns and they are apparently making good on those threats. This sort of behavior should not be tolerated and Atlus has earned a permanent ban on my channel as a result of this.





It is quite sad to see Atlus, a company that has a good relationship with its dedicated fans, to take a stance that directly insults their dedicated fanbase. I don't think they understand the position they are in with this policy in place or the damage they can do by misusing copyright. Japan is notoriously behind the understanding of what fair use means and what it is supposed to protect. In essence, Atlus is willing to shut down all forms of speech to protect a principle that is very much something specific to them and not a point of morals or ethics. Content creators which would be affected by this are not creating their content specifically to spoil the story for their audience, but rather to either entertain or inform them. Both of these types of speech are protected under fair use as they add additional value to the underlying content they are presenting. Both of these things can actually directly benefit Atlus, but they seem hell bent on protecting spoilers for their game to the point where they are willing to take time and money away from those most passionate about spreading the word of a game they have most likely been waiting for for some time.