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News about the channel for the past week, things to come, Winter's Edge, Online publications, Birthdays, and more! Thanks again to all you beautiful subscribers out there!

Arthur's Channel if you're interested in watching me on Winter's Edge! Saturdays 5pm Pacific/8 Eastern! Don't forget to spread the word! https://twitch.tv/apgamingreal

CyberSlacker's Publication won't be live until June 1st. My apologies! I will post the link once it goes live at http://cyberslacker.net


Channel update and VLOG for May 29th 2016

News about the channel for the past week, things to come, Winter's Edge, Online publications, Birthdays, and more! Thanks again to all you beautiful subscribers out there! Arthur's Channel if you're interested in watching me on Winter's Edge! Saturdays 5pm Pacific/8 Eastern! Don'tforget to spread the word!


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