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Hey guys, I really appreciate all the support you provide and all the help but I've been wracking my brain for a while on how to provide something back for you guys that I can actually stick to while also being able to entice additional supporters. As this directly effects all of you, I wanted to make sure you had the opportunity to weigh in if you want and provide your own thoughts and ideas either here or in the Patreon only area of Discord.

I feel like this is an area I could greatly improve on and I don't intend on leaving things as-is.



Sent a long PM to you Sid, it's a bit rambly (sorry) but hope it gives you some ideas... Also just thought, maybe hold a Poll on ideas and suggestions you get/see/think up and then see what your patrons want. Anyway good luck with the message.

Frank Rodriguez

Honesty dude, just keep doing what you're doing. I'm here because I value your opinions and happen to agree with almost everything. Regardless of what you decide to do, I'm here for the long hall.