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Hey guys, despite my best efforts, YouTube's systems are continuing to slowly strangle the life out of the channel. They have admitted that this is an issue and they're "working on it". However, until they finally get up off their asses and do something, viewership will continue to be depressed by over 75% and the channel will continue to operate at a daily subscription loss.

In order to help combat this I'm forced to turn to you guys. You have continued to go above and beyond to help support the channel and it's continued existence is a direct result of your contributions and I'm more grateful for that than you could ever know. What I'm asking is for those willing to help increase the visibility of videos by sharing them on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, for those with Reddit accounts to post the videos on those game's subreddits.

I know it's unfair to expect this sort of thing and if you  don't wish to do so, that's perfectly fine. However, I hope that some of you will be willing to help out just a little more and invest a few seconds of your time. Thanks again for everything you already do. I really do appreciate it and hopefully YouTube will get their act together at some point.


Edward Sutherland iv

It's looking like you might need to move to the next step > Merchandising Patreon is good but more than 1 source would be a good move.