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Hey guys, given the craziness that's gone on in January I haven't been able to hold through on my promises and obligations. I do still want to give you guys something for your continued amazing support so I will be collecting questions for a pre-recorded AMA video. I will be making this available I will let you guys decide on whether to make this an Ad-free video, Patreon (And Twitch Subscriber) only, or whether you would prefer something different for my showing my appreciation. I have a poll here: http://www.strawpoll.me/14913743
And if you have recommendations or would like a question to be answered in the AMA feel free to message me here or add it to the Discord Patreon Q&A Text channel. Thanks guys!


Mediocre Panda

Question for the AMA: What is your favorite game from the last 5 years?


Same. I donate because I want to.