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Hey guys, I posted this in the subreddit already, but it seems that my Social Media presence is still severely lacking and I feel that injecting some fresh blood into the scene would be beneficial. So, I'm looking for between 1 and 3 new moderators for the Subreddit. People that would be willing to act as an ambassador of sorts, posting video links, and working to grow the reddit side of things.

So, if you're interested please feel free to let me know!



Sid, I would be willing to help in any way that I can, I am housebound for the most part so I spend far, far more time online then I should, basically if I'm awake I'm online, so basically 12-18 hours a day and I'm always looking for something to keep me occupied and give me a reason to keep logging on. While I do not have any recent experience moderation any social media channels, in the recent past I have run a couple gaming servers, and further back, before Facebook and Twitter I did moderate a couple forums as well as a few IRC channels. And while I lack the current experience I am a fast learner. I only currently use Reddit occasionally, but I am not adverse to taking a crash course and spending the next week reading everything I can on moderating reddit and everything else associated with it. Finally while I have only been subbed to your channel for 4-6 weeks (I think I found you a couple weeks before the whole Alex Mauer stuff hit the fan) but I've been very impressed with how you carry yourself and how balanced you try and keep your coverage. That being the case, as I said above, I would be glad to help you out in managing anything you think I could be helpful with, either now or later.


Thanks John, I appreciate that. It's not a difficult thing to do and beings the Reddit community is very small, it doesn't take much, but anything anyone would be willing to do to help increase visibility would be awesome. Shoot me your reddit username and I'll add you.


Sorry sid. After this recent debacle I no longer have the morale to support you financially. I'm not wealthy and can't afford more than a buck, but I also can't afford to support people whose direction they are heading in I disagree with.