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Hey there hope all is well for you guys! 

      I just wanted to let you guys know that in the middle/end of december is going to be slow for me, and the packs "might" not have AS much stuff in them. 

     The reason being is that Ill be moving durring that time, My fiance and I got approved for our first house . We are going to try and get the net set up first thing over there so I can get back to work ASAP!  Ill try to make up the light packs with some Other things that arent commissions, so be on the look out for some VERY hot stuff!

      Also Id just like to say thank you all so damn much for all the support... none of this would have ever been possible with out the help from you guys! I love you all!! 

If you havnt checked it out yet, Join my patreon telegram group! I plan on giving all my top tiers a free sketch after the move! <3<3<3




Grats on the house! :D hope the move goes very smoothly! :3


Word of advice from someone who just bought his own home: if a contractor's hired to work on anything in order to sell the home, make sure it's completed before the closing date. That's painted and patched and tightened down. They like to hire one man to do a whole house and go wit the lowest bidder. You could be looking at things which aren't finished months after moving in, wishing you'd hired the person yourself. If the seller or their agent gets a contractor involved, inspect EVERYTHING the day before closing. You're buying a house, not a squat. If it's not up to your standards and complete, you can still walk away.


Oh yeah we definitely know all that already hahah but for now we are just renting :)