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Hey new followers and those of you who have been here :3
I just wanted to let you guys know that lately there has been an issue of people just taking my commission form link from either the previous opening or from some one elses response on the new openings, and just filling it out with out letting me know Via commenting.

Not that its that big of an issue, but for my sanity I need you guys to not do that anymore. I have a ' Comment to Claim' rule on all my openings. Your commenting to claim a spot is how I keep track of who is who, and its really hectic when I get a bunch of people who submit a form with out asking.

Thank you guys for understanding and being supportive !




I'm not sure what sort of forms you use, but is it possible to ask for the person filling out to add their name? I know it gets CONFUSING as heck sometimes if you have no clue who the heck someone is haha. The other thing I'm wondering... Is it possible to turn the form off when you're closed? Just curious and hoping to help :D <3


yes I require all that in the forms ( I use google docs) and yeah I can turn it off. but I usually forget to turn it back on lol. usually I require them to comment for many reasons. 1. depending on how many slots I have open people can just see for them selves if they are all taken by how many people responded ( I dont always update the openings slots as they are taken) and 2. just so I can respond to their comment to send them a reminder to send in the forms or payment. and 3. because my slight OCD. I feel more organised.


ah yeah that would be my bad lmao as soon as i submitted one i saw the "comment to claim" bit and hated myself smh, not used to this method yet