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I just had an idea for future comics and maybe even the current one after its finished. What do you guys think of giving the characters in the comic a voice via audio feature button that you click to go through each panel ? like an audio book with imagery?

Feel free to select your answer and post a comment on any additional feelings about this :3

I dont think Ive seen this done before and think it would be a catchy Idea :D



It COULD work if the actors voicing the roles can do it well. But ive seen audio in furry art that's just awful. If anything it ruins it or it feels like theyre reading a script. I can name a scenario Ive seen that Jasonaf did where they read it and it was awful.


That's something we would try to avoid haha but I do understand where your coming from.


Well you'd have the option to play the voices or not. But it's something I haven't seen and I'd really like to try it out and make it well


It works out really well for the comic about Zee Captain.