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Finally getting the stuff I need to start sculpting again!

Im so excited to start doing this since it relates to a dream job of mine.

I took ceramics class in Highschool and since then Ive always missed it.

Ill be starting off with little things and once I get better Ill start doing more, my goal is to make things that you guys would like to see or even own ! 

What you can expect to see

mini head busts


large scale maquettes

fur suit resin bases

pup hoods





Oooohhhh Shit! Working with clay is one of the most satisfying things you can do as an artist. Or even as a hobbyist


Ooohh my gosh! I'm so excited about this!


yeah it was real therapeutic for me and theres nothing more satisfying then seeing a physical creation to completion


me too haha I have so many things I want to make! Im mad the last thing to arrive is the clay XD


Oh my gosh! What if someone orders a replica if their characters dick?! Just having it on display "So there's my Alien collectables, there's my Skyrim statue, aaaasnd that's my dragons dick"