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Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that starting next week i'll be going back to my regular releases as well as working on the comic. I've been out of town and recently just returned so i'm trying to get caught up with everything and get my gears back in motion.  Sorry for the delays but I needed a little break!

As far as the 45$ tier goes, i'm going to temporarily un-publish that as well as refund those who were currently at that tier. I'm still in the planning stages and released it kind of early thinking it would be easy to find distributors for the merch I planned on releasing. Once the merch starts physically coming in i'll re-open that tier as thats what it was geared towards was the release of actual merchandise that I can physically send to the patrons of that tier.

I hope everyone had happy holidays and I hope everyone continues to have even better holidays and a happy new year! Be on the lookout for coming updates.

Love yall!



Diego P

Welcome Back!


Glad you're back, and I hope you are all rested up!


Will the 4k art pack be up soon?