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I was wondering if there was anything you guys would like to see more from me as far as content goes? 

like do you want more furry characters/more non furry characters/popular characters on TV or in movies?

Id like to start getting more into non furry characters to be honest so toss up your suggestions and ideas!



Right now I'm loving I love you two but it would be cool to see new stuff. What kind of non-furry characters do you like? Any video games or something?


Hi. Yes I am a pledger. Hope thats not a problem. I would like to see you post downloads of your older stuff. I know you did this already but it wasn't all of it.


Personally, I'm always a sucker for werewolves and their bits. I'm okay with variety, so long as you don't go completely non-furry. ^.^


Anything involving footpaws, even if they're just displayed nicely <3


Do whatever you feel like doing and surprise us :)


I want to see what you want to create! This Patreon is supposed to give you some income so that you can be creative, not pander to individuals. That being said, I like all kinds of wolves and werewolves...


Same as above, I do enjoy seeing what you want to create, though personally, I would say all kinds of wolves and werewolves :P

Diego P

I love your style, I'm always happy to see the artist go out of their comfort zone and try new things, that said I do love the comics an I want to keep those.


Interesting direction! there are a few ideas I plan to try myself of characters (if i had an ouch of skill at all! ) that are still fresh on the table when it comes to anthro art of them! Such as the new and the old Wennie the wearwolf, 30/30 from Bravestarr, Mayla Highmountain from WoW is one I am itching to see more of! :D Heck even blasts from the past like Samurai Pizza Cats (yes im old XD haha ) Masters splinter, Tiger Claw and Alopex from TMNT all are favorites!