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Just giving you all a little life update on why ive been so quiet here lately.

as some of you may know Ive been dealing with the stress of my dog being very sick the last few weeks. I havnt been getting much work done due to the fact that with her going to the vets so often and us using all our CCs to pay, It put me in a bigger hole financially and emotionally..  just the other day we had her ultrasound done and they discovered the issue and ended up needing emergency surgery that day ( yesterday). her surgery was a success she is doing well and will be coming home tomorrow some time. I ended up having to pay a 5000$ bill in order to get her the care she needed. 


now hoping that this whole ordeal is finally over with I can get back to my normal work flow!

And these new patrons couldnt have came at a better time, so thank you for supporting me and I hope you enjoy the stuff I have to offer <3



Im out now but ill be sure to donate some when i can ^^