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Thanks for supporting me this month! I had a lot of family stuff to deal with, so I was a little slower with content but I am going to have a HUGE June to make up for it. I appreciate all the kind messages of support and of course you being my fans! Everything is good on my end, I just know I haven't communicated enough the last week, so I wanted to give you an update.

Love you all and stay tuned for a surprise :) 


Ren The Hen

Glad to hear you're doing alright. Hope everything is well

Robert Rodriguez

Happy to hear everything is going well.


Miss you

Nicola Doria

Was going to message you because I figured something was up. Sorry for your troubles. Glad to hear that things are better and that you are WELL ❤️❤️❤️ !!!

Steve Rosensteel

Glad everything is okay for you and your family. Would love to see photos of you in a nice dress and pantyhose. Love your well worn pantyhose


Hiiiiii when does this HUGE June start??


June only had 9 posts of content for the entire month while May only had 7. Yes there was "more" but I wouldn't consider it huge by any stretch. Not like July which had 11 posts. August was back to only 7 posts and up to 10 again for September. I would hope that as a content creator you would be more consistent with the amount of content you post each month in regards to the consistency of what we pay for it. I understand that life happens and sometimes it takes you away from this platform but you did say you would make it up to us, your patrons. No harm intended in what I've written here today, only a hope that it will be read and considered.