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This is the second episode of the Mirror Stage series.

The series holds up a mirror to different folktales – specifically ones with Princesses.

The mirror is more than just a metaphor, though. Each Princess relates her story while touching herself in front of the magic mirror.

The BP or the bad princess, is the opening character in this sequence. She is a peddler, working in a marketplace storefront. She is servile, aiming to please the customer. She emphasizes double entendrse, implying that she’s for sale along with the goods.

The GP or the Good Princess is the “public” face of the princess.

This episode draws on Princess Badroulbadour from A Thousand and One Nights. Other adaptations have conceived her as Princess Jasmine. Unlike previous adapatations, this script imagines her as well over 18 for the entire narrative.

As with every episode, this is for a single speaker. That single speaker embodies two characters, though – a bad princess who is sluttified and a good princess who embodies the sanitized ideal.

This is written in the second person – the listener is addressed directly, and they are part of the action. For a more detailed explanation of how the second person works in these stories and fantasies, please look for a future episode of The Writer’s Whoreshop! Your feedback and input is, as always, appreciated.

NOTE ON CULTURAL SENSITIVITY: This specific story draws from a non-Western set of stories. I think that’s good. Adapting non-Western stories into adult material is tricky. It’s good to avoid stripping out any reference to the culture, but fetishization risks are high. These risks are keenly felt in this story, because Islam is part of the background condition of the milieu. I’ve made my best efforts to reference without making this fetishistic or sacrilegious. When I’m unsure, I’ve marked with {these brackets}.

CW: Dubcon, magic, princess humiliation, prostitution, masturbation, female subservience



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