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Fidget Fixation is the second, spicier take on fidgeting in a mindkink context.

It features the same characters as Spin, continuing where it left off.

(Lots of haptic catchup tomorrow!  It tends to drift to the bottom of my queue because it's mechanical - but in a hot way so I should do a wreck of it before I start designing a pvp card game.)

Muse is a subject undergoing biofeedback. She’s been attempting to stop her fidgets. Instead, her impulses are redirected to even more productive forms of control, self-discipline, and other-discipline.

Bliss is the lead voice of the AI system used to monitor and report on her fidgets. She is accompanied by a chorus of both synthetic and 'human' women training Muse’s brain to make her the ultimate fidget toy.

As with the first in this series, this breaks the fourth wall to include the listener. It is extremely and deliberately friendly to ADHD and other attention based forms of neurodivergence.

CW: gaslighting, attention manipulation, mindkink, conditioning, trance formation, fourth wall breaking, mantric repetition, brainblank, addiction and repetition encouraged, all fem voices, lesbians, pangender, pansexual, discipline



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