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I am still exploring making on-brand games that are fun!  This doesn't trade off with audio, but I think it's good to have a lot of different things coming down the pipeline.

I felt Babble On was good, but potentially complicated.  I'm aiming for games that are pretty simple.  

Interrobang is very simple. This set https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jmhdtumsa37ux6zj9se63/h?rlkey=ri70kwkt5p7elvr47tpa5z7rq&dl=0 is complete.  

It has 24 cards, a scorecard, and a results card.

You run through the whole deck fast.  The subject just says their favorite image to test their desires.  

The dealer marks the scorecard.  From this, the player gets their Bimtype.  Interpret with the results card. It's basically the same as a Meyers-Briggs personality type.  

To download a complete card set:

go to the dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jmhdtumsa37ux6zj9se63/h?rlkey=ri70kwkt5p7elvr47tpa5z7rq&dl=0

use the password "bangbang"

get all the cards

This should be easy and you can play it solitaire too!

I hope you enjoy the alpha run.  I enjoyed making it.  



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