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I'm scaling up production and writing as my recovery proceeds.  That said, people love games.  So do I.

Given the time gap and recent Unity issues, I'd like to focus on some extensible tabletop style games for a while.  They'll be playable in person or online.  I'll playtest on the Discord, but face-to-face play - with a sub bent over a REAL tabletop - is always my true passion.

To play this game, you'll need three things.  I have two of them for you, loyal Patrons.

1. Other players (that's on you, although the Discord can help)

2. A rulebook - I attached it 

3. The cards.  I have made the first deck available but password protected here.  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6dary9p4uzbfhl4/AADOHTwJtPi7dAufvKpR7vBxa?dl=0

The password is BabbleNet.

Every deck will have twenty five cards, although secret cards, quest cards, and lore cards will be outside of the deck system.

For an organized guide to the cards, this link should help with reference.  It's a full card list with all the info. 





Ooo! I'm very excited to see where these go. Maybe take it a few steps further and adapt another game into your own? An NSFW 5 minute dungeon clone would be hot, or maybe "Hypno Against Humanity" where it's like cards against Humanity but the black cards all have triggers woven into the prompts and the players (subs) only have a minute or 2 to give a response? Oh! A kinky game of life where like 60-75% of the tiles are good/bad end scenarios with triggers that make it harder to play/focus on the game? Hell, do you know what id give for a real, honest to shit ADULT TCG?! Not going to ask you to go that far but still, the possibilities are endless here.


oohhh im soo excited!! i need to look more when im less high lol


Can I please get a discord link


Can we still get the deck? The Dropbox link says its expired 😔