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The DUMGEON is easy to say and difficult to spell. It’s also easy to enter and hard to leave, much like the Dumgeon Dolls.

Thematically, the Dumgeon exists at the intersection of the more hardcore BDSM tracks and the gaslight type tracks such as DPI.

A trained toy is in solitary (but supervised) confinement. Her guided confession and display is part of her punishment.

You get to enjoy it. She invites both Dominant and submissive listeners into the Dumgeon.

CW: This is a more hardcore power exchange and pain track. It has a bimmy title, but this is a deeper violet shade of pink. This ends up in an affirming place for submissives; the lead does find value in her punishment and pain. The path to that outcome is more harrowing than usual, though.

Humiliation, catharsis, eroticized power exchange and pain, exhibition, various kink activities, group use, monetized service


Dolly – Dolly is the lead for this track. She’s an imprisoned doll in training, and goes on the full guided tour of Stockholm.

Monitor – the Monitor is an abstracted figure, the voice whispering through the walls of her cell. It’s unclear if they’re a doll or a dominant figure, and the script plays up this ambiguity.

Gwen – Gwen is an AI voice. She comes in for a few lines to emphasize the mechanized and automatic component of Dolly’s training.

Nadja – smaller role.

Chorus – the Chorus gives a group dimension to Dolly’s servitude and brainwashing. As performers, CHORUS parts are a lower commitment way to get used to the process of NNPP tracks without an enormous time commitment! If you’re reading for the CHORUS – say all the CHORUS lines. Some lines are marked IMPROV – that’s an OPTION not a requirement.



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