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I'm producing away - but dedicated to keeping the ideas and writing flowing.  

I'm putting this up in case you enjoy the writing - and for auditions.  The new auditions for SLOTS were so fantastic.  I'm inspired!  The lines for all in here are labelled "Gwenarchy."  It makes sense in a dream logic way.

This is the make-up script.  I've done cosmetics before.  It always seems to go over well, and this hits a new gear.

It is a third person narrative script. It breaks the fourth wall to include the listener, both directly and psychologically.

The main character, Kay, puts on her makeup for a big night out. She’s going to look for casual sex in order to better get over her previous lover and dominant. We learn the ways, though, that her makeup habits anchor her to previous submissive states.

Her virtual assistant, Tay, assists her through the process. We discover more about her programming as the script progresses.

This is designed to break the fourth wall – and create submissive associations with common makeup rituals.

Blush is divided into three chapters. It’ll be released as chapters, but it’ll also be released as a single long episode, podcast-style. The “standalone” versions will have a bit of additional dialogue.

CW: gaslighting, compulsion, anchoring submissive thoughts to mundane practice, mouth fixation, humiliation, mesmeric mantras, manipulation, return to a toxic relationship. The specific scenario described here is really not at all a template for a good relationship or good kink practice, embarrassment noncon


Kay – she’s the protagonist. She’s doing her makeup. She’s insecure, having recently gotten over a relationship with a deeply controlling dominant male. She’s trying to avoid going back to him.

Tay – Tay is one of the instantiations of her virtual assistant. She’s subtly negging her, while being overtly helpful and supportive.

Ryan – brutal, seductive, charming. Kay’s ex-dominant.

Gwenarchy – not a real character. This means a medley of AI voices, to transition into Tay.

For those of you who are interested in choral sections, GWENARCHY is done by EITHER AI or the chorus of human voices treated to subliminal and unearthy effects.



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