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This is the fourth installment of the SD series. It returns to the action after an extended hiatus. Some story time has passed. Later episodes went very far, so this goes back to basics.

The setting is St. Justinia’s, a Catholic university with some behind the scenes secrets. We follow the confession of a new student, Rose, as the clergy members give her some real cause for contrition.

Any resemblance to real persons is coincidental. Doctrine, scripture, and traditions of Catholicism permeate the script. Please take them in the spirit in which they are intended. This isn’t reverent, but I really don’t have any intention of offending any real group of faith!

CW: gaslighting, dubcon, sacrilege, manipulation, group


ROSE: Rose is a student at St. Justinia’s, a Catholic university. She’s 21. She should very much be played as a good girl. She is deeply invested in her religious devotion and her image as a virtuous woman. She’s slightly nervous and intimidated in this scene – and anytime she interacts with teachers and the clergy.

Her full name is Rosary.

FATHER ABRAXAS: Father Abraxas is a recurring character in the SD series. He takes confession, seduces students, brainwashes nuns, and rarely if ever cleans out the snack fridge. He’s unfiltered malice and craving wrapped in clerical garments.

SISTER KRISSY: Kristina is a recurring character as well. Time has elapsed, so her character has changed. She started the series as an innocent student. She is now a sister – a full fledged nun under Father Abraxas’ direct control. She’s been violated, brainwashed, physically transformed, and received a lot of fashion advice.

She still sounds innocent and cute. There’s a lot more temptress to go with her virgin in this episode – and after dozens of altar parties, she’s harder to surprise.

MOTHER SUPERIOR – SISTER CATHERINE: Mother Superior, as the name implies, is in a power position at St. Justinia’s. She is very much in control. She manages religious instruction, keeps tabs on every student, and supervises the training of new nuns.

She undergoes some character shifts in this arc, but her starting position as a stern and unyielding disciplinarian should always be kept in mind.

CHOIR: These lines involve mass repetition. They’ll largely be spoken and rendered as an ethereal backdrop.



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