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The haptic trainer for “Tryout” is haptics layered onto the last released audio file. Descriptions and content warnings all apply here.  Designed for this site: https://xtoys.app/teases/-Mbgad2ICfgVGnD5fZMv .  This version will sound weirdly bass heavy if played on a normal player.  It will sound normal on the vibe site.

The haptics here are next level effective.

I set up a vibration hierarchy – so head cheerleader voice, drum pattern, mecha effects, and brain training AI voice all have distinct layered vibration effects.

Most notably, you’ll see that the “countoffs” – 1 2 3 4 etc – all have an ascending “step” pattern, so at the end it’ll be vibrating really hard.

I think this all makes the cheers *impossible* to forget if the pieces come together correct.

WARNING: STRONG additional conditioning effects




Haptic file was even better than I thout, so guuud. Super mind worms hehe